Attention Treaty #3 Post Secondary Students


“A Summer Employment Program for Post-Secondary Students”

If you are up to 30 years of age, currently attending a recognized post-secondary institution and will be looking for a job for the summer, inquire about the Career Employment Match Program. This program is intended to provide you, as a post-secondary student with employment that is related to your specific field of study. Please read the program guidelines and criteria to ensure that you meet eligibility guidelines.

Objective: To provide summer employment opportunities to Treaty #3 post-secondary students in career- related employment in their specific field of study.

Application Guidelines and Criteria:

  • Employment must be related to student’s career goals and field of study;
  • Student must be attending a recognized post-secondary institute and provide a letter of verification;
  • Students must take initiative of finding a suitable and eligible employer;
  • Submit resume with program application;
  • Employers must also register as an “employer” through the Anokiiwin Job Connect website;
  • Employment can take place anytime once approved, with approved activity to end by August 2024 but limited to maximum of 12 weeks and up to 35 hours per week; Employers have the option to extend employment period at their own cost;

Approved Wage rates to be determined by the year of study completed in spring of 2024:

Year of Completion in Spring of 2024 CEM Contribution per hour Minimum Employer Contribution – 10%
Completion of Year One $16.55 $ 1.66
Completion of Year Two $17.55 $ 1.76
Completion of Year Three $18.55 $ 1.86
Completion of Year Four $19.55 $ 1.96
Completion of Year Five or final $20.55 $ 2.06

Students who are eligible:

  • Must have completed at least one year of full-time post-secondary studies and be resuming full-time studies in the fall of 2024;
  • Be a Treaty #3 member under Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong ISET agreement;
  • Be up to 30 years of age, at time of application;


  • Non-profit, or private sector, in operation for a minimum of 6 months and provide evidence;
  • Be able to contribute a minimum of 10% towards hourly wage of above noted rates;
  • Must have third party liability insurance or WSIB;
  • Must be able to provide quality work experience, training/mentoring and guided supervision;
  • Must attest to having health/safety policies including COVID-19 safe workplace practices;
  • Be in satisfactory standing with Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong – i.e., previous and/or current projects;
  • Agree to the attached “Employment and Training Agreement”
  • Employers are eligible for ‘Mandatory Employment Related Costs’ up to 12%

1. What is my first step?

Update your resume and using your job search skills find an eligible employer who can provide you with the quality work experience related to your field of study. Please refer to eligible employer guidelines below. Review and have the attached program description available for the employer to review. Contact or visit one of our Employment and Training Centres listed below to speak to an Employment Advisor, to update your resume or for guidance on job-search skills and labour market information.

Ozhibii’igewigamig Employment and Training Centre
130 Main Street, Kenora
1-800-545-5113, ext 249

Employment Advisor– Eastern Area Office
1455 Idylwild Drive, Nanicost, Fort Frances
1-800-545-5113, ext 263

2. What happens after I find an employer and the employer has agreed to hire me under the Career Employment Match Program?

If the employer is eligible and has agreed to hire you, complete the attached Student Application form. The employer will also have to complete the attached Employer Application form. Please contact Misty Castle, Youth Programs Co-ordinator at 1-800-545-5113, ext 230 or email: [email protected] for further information.

3. When are applications accepted?

Applications will be accepted starting March 1st, 2024. The application process will continue until the available budget is spent. We encourage students to start their job search as soon as possible.

4. When will I, or my employer, be notified of a decision that the funding is approved to hire me?

Once both the Student and Employer application is received, an assessment follows and official notification will be within 5 business days if all information is provided. Based on the assessment, the employer and student may be required to provide additional information or clarification.

5. What are my chances for receiving funding?

With limited funding; not all applications may receive the level of funding as requested or may be assessed against other priorities.

Assessment: All applications will undergo an assessment process, which will include but not limited to:

  • Student and Employer meet eligibility criteria;
  • The value of the work experience being provided;
  • The employment placement matches the career/educational field of the student;
  • Application forms are complete and signed;
  • Availability of program funds.

Submit: Mail, fax, email your application package

Contact Misty Castle at 1-800-545-5113, ext. 230. or email: [email protected] for further information about the program or application process.

Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong Employment and Training Centre
580 Lakeview Drive, P.O. Box 2909, Kenora, Ontario P9N 3X8 Fax: (807) 468-1813/

For Treaty #3 Students in High School & in Post Secondary School

Objective: To promote and recognize the importance of completing education, career goal
planning and achievement in school and community while maintaining Wellness in all aspects of your life.

The theme for 2023/24 is “WELLNESS” – MINOYAWIN.

Eligible student applicants must provide a school and support letter, a brief written biography and a 500- word essay or submit a video clip/Tik Tok.

Video clips/Tic Toc’s must be no more than 4 minutes with a head shot. You will be introducing yourself, what school you are attending, your career goals, what helps you succeed in school and an encouraging message to other students about maintaining “Wellness”.

Eligible Students:

  • Treaty #3 students attending High School, Alternative Education Programs or Post Secondary School on a full-time basis for the 2023/2024 Academic year and;
  • Must be under the age of 29.

All student achievers must be prepared to attend a Shooniyaa Wa- Biitong sponsored event (location / dates to be determined). An invitation with details will be sent after final selections.

A monetary award is available to those that meet the criteria. There is a limited budget. Up to 12 entries will be chosen.

Submissions are to be emailed or delivered by the deadline date to:
Misty Castle: [email protected]
Student Achievers Award Program
Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong
580 Lakeview Drive, P.O. Box 2909
Kenora, ON P9N 3X8

DEADLINE: March 8th, 2024

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Misty Castle, Youth Coordinator at 1-800-545-5113 ext. 230. [email protected].


  • Essay must be at least 500 words
  • Topic to address the theme of “Wellness”
  • Examples: How do you ensure that you are taking care of your Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual self while working towards your education goals.

Video/Tik Tok
Video Clip Technical Requirements:

  • Be original for this application.
  • Not infringe on any third-party rights (logos, music, intellectual property, etc.).
  • Not include any third parties, including minors, celebrities and friends, who have not expressly authorized the entrant to display his/her image or likeness in a submitted video.
  • Be a maximum 4 minutes.

Tips for Making a Great Video:

  • Get creative, feel free to showcase any talents as a part of your video submission, such as singing, playing an instrument, poetry, etc.
  • No need to hire a professional, plan ahead and shoot several takes to get it right.
  • Use enough lighting, the more light, the better.
  • Think about what’s behind you before you hit the record button.
  • Try to have as much of a personality on camera as possible to come across well. Be energetic and let the real you shine through.
  • Practice by recording sample videos and then share them with friends and family for feedback. If you’re still unsure, try recording the same video three times. Watch each take and select the one you like most.


  • A letter of verification from an authorized school official (indicating full-time status and academic level)
  • Complete and sign attached Participant Information Form
  • Complete the biography
  • Submit your Video Clip/Tik Tok or Essay
  • Complete the Youth Survey
  • Sign and submit the video release waiver

Download Student Youth Achievers Award Package

Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong is pleased to invite applications for Youth Group Projects. Projects can focus on a specific area of interest that addresses a need or impacts the Youth and/or Community as a whole.

Example of eligible projects include (but are not limited to):

  • Land-based Projects
  • Environmental/Climate Change Awareness
  • Mental Health Wellness
  • Language and Culture Preservation and Enrichment
  • Elder Safety and Well-being Project
  • School Success Strategies
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Promoting Personal and Community Safety
  • Community History and Fostering Pride
  • Promoting Sports, Music, Physical Activity and Arts
  • Youth Community Kitchen and Proper Nutrition
  • Career Awareness and Education Planning including Support Systems

Project Goal: Projects are designed to instill employable essential skills, build community leadership skills and benefit the Youth/Community.


  • Community Projects are Youth Driven and led with mentoring and guidance
  • Projects encourage peer education
  • Projects promote use and sharing of existing community resources
  • Projects are respectful of community, leadership and program protocols

There are many skills that are possible within a project which include:

  • Communication Skills – interpersonal, verbal, written, public speaking
  • Budgeting and working with limited resources
  • Project Planning and Organizational skills
  • Team Work – People Skills
  • Use of computer, internet, research skills, use of Zoom or Teams or other
  • Promotion and appropriate use of social media
  • Report writing and Presentation Skills

Eligible Applicants:

Sponsoring applicant on behalf of Youth Groups must be legal entities and able to sign legal agreements, receive funding and be in good standing with Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong.

Sponsor to provide appropriate office space for Youth Project Coordinator and meeting space for Youth Group meetings.

Sponsor is expected to cover project supervision and provide guidance to the Youth Group.

Eligible Budget Items:

  1. Youth Project Coordinator – To provide guidance to the Youth group and co-ordinate resources, to keep project records including attendance records, to gather participant data and reporting requirements required by Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong, to assist the youth group with organizing, planning and financial management of the project.
  2. End of Project Incentives – $50 per week to Youth participants (this is based on a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 6 hrs per week)
  3. Resources/Presenters – please note most community or outside resources/presenters offer their services for free
  4. Elder – Especially at the beginning to set the community context, cultural teachings and protocols
  5. Program Related – purchase of materials and supplies depending on project activity
  6. Nutrition costs – based on $10.00 per participant per meeting – fruits, vegetables, muffins, juices
  7. End of Project wind-up costs – Showcasing the project – Community Presentation/Celebration/Feast
  8. Overhead/Admin – Use/Access to phone, fax, photocopier, meeting space

Project Criteria:

  • Project Time Frame: Up to 18 weeks
  • Project hours per week: minimum of 4 hours to maximum of 6 meeting hours per week
  • # of Youth participants: minimum of 4 Youth to maximum of 10 youth per project
  • Eligible Age Group: Highschool age, up to 30 years of age
  • All participants receiving end of project incentives must complete a signed Participant Information Form

Deadline: Friday, December 8th, 2023.

Projects must end no later than Friday, March 29th, 2024.

The attached application form must be completed in full and signed by authorized signatories.

Download Youth Group Projects Application Form

Number of applications approved will be based on funding availability, and on a first come, first served basis.

For more information on Project ideas, Project Criteria, application form requirements, please contact: Misty Castle, Youth Coordinator, or Shirley Kelly, Program Supervisor, at 1-800-545-5113 or email: [email protected]

Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong Employment and Training Centre
580 Lakeview Drive, P.O. Box 2909, Kenora, Ontario P9N 3X8
Fax: (807) 468-1813

For Treaty #3 Students in Grade 9-12

Objective: To encourage confidence and develop skills in public speaking and deliver a speech to an audience on a topic that is relevant to today’s world.

Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong is accepting submissions for speeches from Treaty #3 high school and alternative education students in grades 9 to 12. Two prizes of $300 each will be awarded for the best speech entry. One in the Grade 9 and 10 category and another in the Grade 11 and 12 category.

This year’s Speech Contest will be “Climate Change”.

What is Climate Change? What does Climate Change means to you? What do you see happening? What can we do to make an impact in the community or at home. What careers could be explored in this field? What Education is required in this field?


  • Treaty #3 students attending High School including or Alternative Education Programs on a full time basis for the 2018/19 Academic year.
  • Up to 24 years;

Speech Requirements:

  • Speech entries must be a minimum of 650 words, double spaced, using Arial size 12 font to be sent via email to: Shirley Kelly, Program Supervisor at [email protected] no later than March 8, 2019
  • The original speech must be mailed to Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong and must be signed and dated by the student.

Please enclose all the supporting documentation with your speech as follows:

  • Student Application Form (see attached)
  • Biography/Career Aspirations Form (see attached)


  • Speeches have an introduction, followed by a main body that has 3-4 points with a clear message with a closing that summarizes the speech and makes a strong ending statement.
  • Use clear, accurate, and descriptive words that will result in a speech that is short, simple and understandable.
  • Back up facts with proper research.
  • Think about how or what impact you want for the audience – will they learn more about the topic, will they change their attitudes, will they be inspired or motivated to action?
  • Practice in front of friends, family or classmates so that both voice and message is strong, clear and impactful.

If your speech is selected:
An invitation letter will be sent to speech winners with details. Please note you will be introduced using your bio information.

Speech Contest Deadline: March 8, 2019

Submissions are to be mailed, emailed, or delivered by the deadline date to:
Speech Contest
Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong
580 Lakeview Drive, P.O. Box 2909
Kenora, ON P9N 3X8

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Youth Coordinator or Shirley Kelly, Program Supervisor at (807) 468-2030, [email protected] Toll-free at 1-800-545-5113

The Ogimaa Binesiiyog – Youth Ranger Program is a summer employment program, starting in 2013, this unique program evolved through a partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong (SWB), and the United Native Friendship Center (UNFC). The teams are made up of a balance of Anishinaabe and non-indigenous youth from surrounding communities. The program provides these youth with valuable hands-on land-based work experience, personal and professional skills development, and the opportunity to expand cultural, traditional and technical knowledge of natural resources management and the importance of taking care of the land for generations to come.


Email: [email protected]